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February 17, 2025 22:49


March 05, 2023 02:22

La Chaîne de info at symbol point ch sur Memoman.TV est prête!

March 20, 2021 16:06

Information générale sur Memoman (French-English) General information about Memoman


Information générale sur Memoman

General information about Memoman pdm pdm
🔗 Symbol

Literary - Apr 02, 2024 fr - en

Présentation de l'API Gmail intégrée à Symbol.ch (French-English) Introducing Symbol.ch's integrated Gmail API


Présentation de l'API Gmail intégrée à Symbol.ch

Introducing Symbol.ch's integrated Gmail API pdm pdm
🔗 Symbol

Literary - Apr 02, 2024 fr - en



My team and I were interested in 2 texts in 1 language French . The help with the translation here integrated helped me a lot and thanks to the network of correctors I managed to translate these texts into English . My contribution is 0 hour 15 min. and 17 sec. videos subtitled in bilingual. You may appreciate to read and listen to my last creation »Information générale sur Memoman / General information about Memoman«, the soundtrack is in French, I made a memoVideo of it for the Englishes so that they understand!


